Terms and conditions

Acceptance by the User

In using the Website, each physical person (hereinafter the “User”) accepts the Website’s conditions of use, i.e. the Legal Information (accessible here), the Privacy Statements (accessible here) and these Terms and Conditions, and agrees to be bound by them without any conditions, limitations, and/or modifications. In the event of amendments or updates, these Terms and Conditions shall be uploaded onto the Website, indicating the latest update. The User shall regularly check the Website to remain informed of any change or update made to the Website’s Terms and Conditions.


The Website and any work and material composing the Website, in particular any text, article, newsletter, press release, presentation, brochure, illustration, photograph, software, digital animation, drawing, logo etc., are and remain the exclusive property of the Law Firm.

Users cannot reproduce, represent, display, modify, adapt and/or translate, whether in part or in whole and whether for free or for financial consideration, the Website and/or any work and material composing the Website, and cannot reproduce, represent, display such translation, modification, adaptation, whether in part or in whole, whether for free or for financial consideration, without the prior and written consent of the Law Firm

As an exception to the foregoing, the Law Firm grants to Users the right to download on their personal computer the newsletters and any other documents, property of the Law Firm, which are made available to the Users, in a computer file form, for the express purpose of being downloaded by the Users. With regard to these files, and subject to specific provisions indicated on these documents, Users are allowed to keep a copy of the files downloaded, to print these documents and to share them so long as no modification is made to them.

Any quotation (courte citation) shall necessarily reproduce the title of the document or of the Website where the document is made available, the name of the author and, as appropriate, its date of publication and number.

Hypertext links

The Firm ensures that the Website contains no hyperlink giving direct or indirect access to websites or website pages whose content is contrary to the essential principles of the legal practice, and takes all measures necessary to delete them if such website should be deemed as contrary to the essential precepts of the legal practice. The Firm cannot, however, commit its legal liability beyond this ethical obligation.

Other provisions

The Website is strictly limited to personal use by the Users.

The Website and any documents, information and data provided therein are intended to provide non-exhaustive, general information relating to the Law Firm and its areas of business, and cannot be regarded or interpreted as providing legal advice and/or as a canvassing, a solicitation and/or an offer of services

Users are solely liable for any use of the information contained therein and the Law Firm shall not be held responsible for any damages, direct, indirect or otherwise, arising from the use of the information provided on the Website by the Users.

The Law Firm does not warrant the access to the Website without interruption, nor that it is virus-free.

The Law Firm shall not be held liable for damages resulting from fraudulent access by a third party leading to changes in information broadcast on the Website.