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Monetary limits and administrative fines for consumer arbitratıon committee applications for 2024 announced


Pursuant to the Communiqué on Raising the Monetary Limits Set Out in Article 68 of Law No 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and Article 6 of the Consumer Arbitration Committee Regulation, published in the Official Gazette No. 32405 dated 20 December 2023, the monetary limits that require an application to consumer arbitration committees was increased by 58.46%, which was determined as the revaluation rate for 2023. 

According to the amendment, for 2024, Provincial or District Consumer Arbitration Committees will be the competent authority for applications to be submitted for consumer disputes with a value of less than 104,000 Turkish Liras (“TRY“). 



Pursuant to the Communiqué on Administrative Fines to be Imposed in 2024 According to Article 77 of Law No 6502 on the Protection of Consumers, published in the same Official Gazette, the administrative fines under Article 77 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers (“CPL“) have been increased by the revaluation rate for 2023. Thus, the current fines for 2024 for certain violations in the relevant article will be as follows: 


Violation Type  Fine for 2023   Fine for 2024  
For agreements containing unfair terms that are not clear and understandable, for each agreement (CPL Art. 5); 

Non-compliance with the relevant obligations in subscription agreements, distance contracts, package tour agreements and instalment sales agreements (CPL Art. 18,48,49,51,52)   

TRY 1,371   TRY 2,172  
In consumer loans, a failure to comply with the obligations stipulated in the Law, such as pre-contractual information liability, etc., not setting the interest rate as fixed, making credit-related insurance without a clear request of the consumer; for each transaction (CPL Art. 23-29)  TRY 6,928   TRY 10,978  
For advertisements made in violation of the relevant legislation and the principles determined by the Board of Advertisement in the context of commercial advertisements through television channels, radio channels, periodicals or the internet; for each violation (CPL Art. 61)  TRY 34,701 – 1,388,526   TRY 54,987 – 2,200,258  
A failure to comply with the obligations specified in timeshare vacation and long-term holiday service agreements, non-compliance with the rights of the consumer; for each project (CPL Art. 50)  Total not to exceed TRY 11,146,500,  

TRY 7,802  

Total not to exceed  TRY 17,662,743 

TRY 12,363